
The Most Common AC Repairs: What You Need to Know

The Most Common A/C Repairs: What You Need to Know

If your air conditioner stops working during the summer months in Pennsylvania, your indoor temps and humidity can quickly become pretty unbearable. AC repairs can be expensive, so maintaining your AC unit regularly is a must. While having your air conditioner routinely serviced will greatly reduce the chances of needing significant repairs, your system may still need repairs throughout its lifetime.

Here are 5 common AC repairs our technicians are called for:

Refrigerant Leaks

Air conditioners and heat pumps rely on refrigerants to transfer heat from the inside of your home to the outdoors. These chemicals are kept in a closed-loop system so when there is a refrigerant leak, it can cause damage to the AC unit and the environment.

There are many possible causes for a refrigerant leak, with wear and tear being the most common culprit. Air-cooling systems over ten years old may be especially likely to develop a refrigerant leak.

Other potential causes include poor installation, manufacturer’s defect and physical damage.

In any case, a refrigerant leak can be extremely serious, as it can lead to the complete breakdown of the unit. You should call a professional technician before the problem gets worse.

Thermostat Issues

The thermostat is the device that measures the temperature of the air and kicks the AC unit on when the temperature gets too high or turns it off when the temperature reaches a certain point. In short, it helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature by regulating the operation of your air conditioner.

There are several ways to tell if your thermostat is the issue. For example, your home isn’t cooling evenly, or your unit turns on and off more frequently than normal. An improperly calibrated thermostat can be easily fixed by adjusting it. But for major issues like a broken thermostat, it’s best to call a technician.

Clogged Air Filters

The air filter is responsible for trapping dust, pollen and other airborne particles so they don’t end up in your home’s air supply. But over time, your filter gets clogged and needs to be replaced with a new one. A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and cause all sorts of problems for your air conditioning unit, including reduced efficiency, MORE frequent repairs and shortened lifespan.

To avoid these issues, it is important to check your air filter regularly and replace it when it gets dirty. Depending on your filter type, that could be as often as every month or two.

Electrical Issues

Like any other appliance in your home, your AC unit is composed of a complex system of electrical components – from the compressor to the fans. And when one of these parts malfunctions, it can cause major issues for your unit.

Some of the most common electrical problems that require repair include loose or damaged wires, tripped circuit breakers, faulty capacitors and burnt-out motors.

If left untreated, electrical problems can cause serious damage to your unit and even pose a fire hazard so we recommend contacting an HVAC technician as soon as possible.

Drainage Issues

Your air conditioner produces a lot of water as it cools the air. This water is typically drained through a small pipe that leads outside. But sometimes, that pipe can get clogged with debris like leaves and dirt. When that happens, the water has nowhere to go and starts back into the unit.

Mold growth and loss of cooling power are the common issues many homeowners deal with. It is important to call a technician right away to avoid shortening the life of your unit. Otherwise, the water damage will lead to more serious issues.

Tips to Help You Prevent the Need for AC Repairs

No matter how well you take care of your air conditioner, there will come a time when it needs repairs. But here are a few things you can do to help prevent the need for major AC repairs down the road.

Schedule Regular Maintenance Checks

During your regularly scheduled maintenance visits, a technician will thoroughly inspect your unit and perform any necessary tune-ups. These regular visits help keep it running smoothly and identify potential problems before they cause major damage.

Keep Your AC Unit Clean

Debris, dirt, and dust can wreak havoc on your AC unit so, it’s important to keep it clean, outside and inside. Make sure to clear any debris that has accumulated around the unit. If you have a central air system, vacuum the vents and registers on a routine basis to prevent them from getting blocked.

Don’t Ignore Strange Noises

Maybe your AC unit has always made a slight humming noise. Or perhaps it has started making strange new noises you’ve never heard before. Either way, it is important not to ignore these sounds as they could indicate a bigger problem that will require repair.

Upgrade to a Newer Unit

If your AC unit is older than ten years, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Newer units are much more efficient which can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.

Can You Do the Repair Yourself?

Many people choose to do their own home repairs for various reasons. Some enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done and appreciate the savings on labor costs. Others feel capable and confident enough to take on the challenge themselves.

Assuming you have the requisite skills and knowledge, you should consider a few things before taking on a home repair project yourself.

Assess the scope of the work that needs to be done. A small repair may not be worth your time and effort, while a more complex one could end up being more trouble than it’s worth. It is crucial to realistically evaluate your abilities before taking on a project, as biting off more than you can chew can lead to frustration, wasted time, and even safety concerns.

Once you’ve decided that you’re up for the task, make sure you have the necessary tools and materials on hand. Nothing is worse than starting an AC repair only to realize you’re missing an essential piece of equipment or supplies.

Do your research ahead of time and be prepared before starting work.

Finally, be sure to take your time and double-check your work as you go. Rushing through a repair job is more likely to lead to mistakes, which could end up costing you more time and money in the long run. By taking your time and being methodical, you can increase the chances of a successful repair and avoid any potential headaches down the road.

Why Go Through the Hassle of DIY If You Can Just Call An AC Repair Professional?

Now that you know a few of the basics when it comes to repairing an air conditioner, you might be wondering why you should bother calling a professional instead of just doing the repair yourself. After all, if you have the skills and knowledge, why not save yourself some money and DIY?

Home repairs can be time-consuming, messy, and frustrating. They can also be dangerous, particularly if you’re not experienced or comfortable working with tools and electrical equipment. If you’re not confident in your ability to complete a repair safely and correctly, it is always best to let the experts handle the job.

Hiring a professional for AC repair has some advantages – saving you time and hassle as well as not having to worry about doing the research, gathering the tools and supplies, or taking the necessary precautions on top of the list. It will give you peace of mind knowing the job is being done right by someone who knows what they’re doing.

So, if you need AC repair, be sure to call the experts at D&D Heating & Cooling. We have the experience and expertise to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you can return to enjoying your summer.

Give us a call at 610-965-0990 to schedule an appointment today!


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